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Fullness and Power
"Hidden Power on the Move"

July 14 and 15 – Yokohama

Day 1: 1:00PM to 6:30PM
Day 2: 10:00AM to 4:00PM

Senior Systema Instructor Kwan Lee presents 2 days of intensive training to develop the self-control and awareness necessary to cultivate fullness and using it as a gateway to true power for survival and healing.

- Breathwork for self-control and calmness
- Structural correction for freedom of movement
- Stress mitigation and resilience in striking
- Principles of hidden work



Yokohama Overseas Chinese School
横浜中華学院 体育館

Students should bring a training knife if they have one.

No Experience Required.

This event is fully supported by Systema Headquarters and Master Vladimir Vasiliev encourages all groups in the region to attend this seminar.

Seminar Fees

2 Days : 43000 Yen

1 Day:   25000 Yen

Systema USA Shirts in size Medium and Large will be available during the weekend seminar for 4000 Yen.

Special Class

Saturday – July 13 - Tokyo - 5:30PM to 7:30PM

Senior Systema Instructor Kwan Lee presents a special class to prepare for his weekend seminar, which is focused on fullness and power. 
Attending the weekend seminar is highly recommended.




Training Fee:

7000 Yen if registered for the seminar
12000 Yen if not registered for the seminar

Cellphone users please use the Google Chrome or Firefox browser to pay with the following Paypal buttons.
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